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7/1 모르는 문장 Is that too much to ask? Is that too easy to ask? 이 2 문장을 비교해 보세요. too much, too easy 가 형용사, 즉 주격보오로 쓰이고... That's not asking too much an enjoyable, pleasant lunch. That's not asking so much an enjoyable, pleasant lunch. a much enjoyable, pleasant lunch.. much 는 enjoyable 을 수식하는 부사입니다. too much, so much 가 올 때는.. too much an enjoyable, pleasant lunch so much an enjoyable, pleasant lunch 더보기
6/30 모르는 문장 The president is said to have considered Finance Minister Yoon jeong hyun. 능동태로 바꿔 쓰면, They say the president has considered Finance ... 이렇게 되는 거구요, 해석은 (사람들은) 대통령이 ... 고려했다고 말한다. 라는 뜻입니다. The president를 주어로 한 수동태가 되니까, is said가 된 거구요, 일반주어 They는 의미가 없으므로, 빠진 거고, has considered에서 has는 to 부정사가 되기 위해 have로 바뀐 겁니다. s + v + o.c 형태의 5형식에서 목적격 보어 자리에 동사원형이 나오는 지각/사역동사가 수동태가 되면 to+동사원형이 됨 더보기
before i die i want to ...[TED] what the hall! why daum block the link with ".mp4"? ... 더보기
make 1~5형식 1형식 ; He made toward the school(부사구) 그는 학교 쪽으로 갔다. (go의 의미) 2형식 ; She will make a good wife(주격 보어) 그녀는 좋은 아내가 될 거야 (become의 의미) 3형식 ; God made man(목적어) 신이 인간을 만들었다. 4형식 ; I made her(간목) a doll(직목) 나는 그녀에게 인형을 만들어 주었다. 5형식 ; 아래 밑줄 부분이 목적보어 He made her happy 그는 그녀를 행복하게 했다. He made his son a doctor 그는 그의 아들을 의사로 만들었다. He made them clean the garden 그는 그들에게 정원을 청소하게 했다. 더보기
2011.12.17 영어녹음 (recording work) script hi, i'm on the 3 o'clock flight to Paris, but i don't see my flight on the departures screen. how do i know which gate to go to? oh, departures don't appear on the screen util an hour before they're supposed to leave. but i can find out for you. thanks, that'd be great. it's the non-stop flight to Paris. it looks like your flight will be leaving from Gate 23A. the plane is not boarding ye.. 더보기
2011.12.16 영어녹음(recording work) script hi, can i help you with anything? yes, please i need a new suitcase for my business trip would you happen to know of that one comes in red? i love the style, but i really don't like these colors actually, it comes in a dark red, i'll check the storage room and see if we have that one in stock yeah~ i have completed my recording work are you listening my voice? do you have any question abo.. 더보기
영어듣기(연음) i wll = i'll [al] you will = you'll [yəl] she will = she'll [ʃil] they will = they'll [ðəl] he will = he'll [hil] it will = it'll [iɾl]  강하게 약하게 and ænd ən or ɔr ər a ei ə an æn ər 더보기
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