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공부/modern family

modern family[1-12]


Feel like a torpedo

torpedo 어뢰


does the gardener usually work on Saturdays?

gardener 정원사


He's clearly in pain.

pain 아픔, 고통


How can you just turn your back on a friend like that?

turn your back on somebody/something

등이 ~쪽으로 향하게 서다[앉다]


this might be a good time to mention to you that the marionettes are not kind to latecomers.

marionette 인형, 꼭두각시


They bend over and show their bloomers.

bend over 몸을 …위로 굽히다

boomer 속바지


I didn't find any more porn.

porn 포르노물


A cereal commercial.

cereal 곡류

commercial 상업의


Breasts are like these scary mystical things that he's drawn to

scary 무서운

drawn to …에 접근하다, 다가가다



Boys don't want their moms talking to them about sex any more than girls want their dads talking to them about periods, bras, and girdles and all that stuff.

girdle 거들(여성용 속옷)


I think his jacket shifted while I was moving him

shift 옮기다, 이동하다


My bracelet got caught a little bit here.

bracelet 팔찌


I'm beginning to think you don't like Barkley that much

be beginning to ~하기 시작하다


I didn't mean to hurt it

mean to do …할 셈이다


you can pretend to be innocent all you want

pretend ~인 척하다

innocent 무죄인, 결백한, 순진한


They can be very revealing

revealing 흥미로운 사실을 드러내는[보여 주는] , 노출이 심한


but you have to admit that the dog butler is a little ridiculous.

butler 집사


I'm working on a loading dock just trying to get under the covers.



They're a damn nuisance

nuisance 성가신[귀찮은] 사람[것/일], 골칫거리


It's an unholy mix between man and beast

unholy 위험한, 위태로운


Flincher! Free slap.

flincher 움찔[주춤]하다

slap 철썩 때리다[치다]


How'd it go?

how would it go 어떻게 될것 같아?


I kind of promised him We'd keep everything between us. Mm-hmm. Matter of fact, He'd be mortified if you brought it up with him

kind of 약간, 어느 정도

matter of fact 사실 문제; 사실, 실제

mortify 굴욕감을 주다; 몹시 당황하게 만들다


I guess I live in a house full of sex maniacs.

maniac 미치광이


"it" is a human being

human being 사람


Named caesar salad.

caesar salad 시저 샐러드(양상추와 구운 빵 조각에 오일, 레몬주스, 달걀 등을 넣은 샐러드)


It's like you're incapable of hearing anyone's sad story Without making it your job to fix it

incapable  …을 할 수 없는

making it 성공하다, 해내다


my needs come second

come second 둘째가 되다, 둘째로 오다, 차위가 되다


Your needs right now are a puppet show

puppet 인형, 꼭두각시  


If it'll prove to you that I'm not the obsessive help-aholic that you make me out to be

obsessive 사로잡혀 있는, 강박적인

help-aholic 중독자'란 뜻을 만듦

make out 지내다[해 나가다]


just down the hall to the right

방 아래로 간 다음에 오른쪽으로 가라


I know it's killing you not to get back there in the middle of that

get back  돌아가다


These folks can find their own way out

folk 사람들

find out 알아내다


And now you'll know that I'm not a manic mother Teresa out there collecting lost souls

manic 정신없는,  미친 듯한

out there 그곳에[에서, 은]


Oh, some mandatory cleanup at school

mandatory 법에 정해진, 의무적인


How's the little fortune cookie?

fortune 운


I have a house full of latinos

latinos 라틴계 남자


trouble in gay paradise, huh?

trouble in ...에 곤란을 겪다.


why do you have to always add the word "gay" where it doesn't belong?


you're not mad at me

mad at …에게 몹시 화가 나서.


I'm a little cranky

cranky 기이한


It's the same stuff I went over with your mom all the time

went over 이리저리 다니다; (~로) 건너가다, 을 조사하다


I'm gluing his hand on over here

glue (접착제로) 붙이다


His hand came off

came off (~에서) 떨어지다


it's worse than it sounds

it sounds ~처럼 들린다. ~할 것 같다.


A bird fell out of a tree, and he fed it with an eyedropper

fell out of …로부터 떨어지다, 밖으로 나오다, 빠져 나오다

feed with …를 제공하다.

eyedropper 점안기


Your mom and I were perfect on paper

on paper 쓴것[인쇄물] 에서는 / 이론적으로는


there's no one I'd rather come home to

come home to ~의 가슴에 뼈저리게 와 닿다, 본 자리[상태]에 돌아오다

would rather (…하기 보다는 차라리) …하겠다[하고 싶다]


I didn't read your stupid journal, and I waited in line to get this signed, Haley

wait in line 정렬하여 기다리다

get 5형식 시키다

sorry I don't follow the WNBA

wnba 미국여자프로농구


But I didn't mean for anyone to fight

mean to do …할 셈이다


We can just prop her in front of the dryer for a half-hour

prop 받치다[떠받치다]


How'd everything work out with the gardener?

work out 운동을 하다 


Turned out it was his wedding day

turn out 모습을 드러내다[나타나다]


I've been very selfish

selfish 이기적인


It was just so freaky

freaky 기이한


it's perfectly normal to be curious about these things

curious 궁금한; 호기심이 많은


That's disturbing

disturbing 충격적인, 불안감을 주는


You little creep

creep 사람・동물이 살금살금 움직이다


I was looking through the computers in the house for pornography

pornography 포르노물, 외설물



sick 역겨운


So you're violating our privacy

violate 위반하다


you owe me a dance

owe 소유하다, 인정하다


I'm like a big, runaway charity truck and Mitchell is my of f-ramp full of safety gravel.

runaway 달아난, 가출한


He certainly can turn his back on someone's suffering

suffering 고통


He lost his monocle on the drive

monocle 단안경(한쪽 눈에만 대고 보는, 렌즈가 하나뿐인 안경)


I couldn't care less about the picture

couldn't care less 신경을 쓰지 않는다

신경을 쓰더라도 이보다 덜 쓸 수가 없다


Is it really too much to ask that he stay a sweet, innocent kid

too much 너무 많다

to ask 물어보기에


we'll dribble later

dribble (액체를 조금씩) 붓다[흘리다]


I never meant to blame you for that whole picture thing. Your mom sort of thought it was yours

blame …을 탓하다, … 책임[때문]으로 보다

sort of 어느 정도[다소]


my tastes do run to the curvy

curvy 굴곡이 많은


I've been summarily dismissed from the employ of masters Cameron and Mitchell... The former being an utter delight, and the latter being a humorless snoot


The thrift shop's closing

thrift 절약, 검약


Many of my relatives were taken out of their homes to be released into the green pastures in their

pasture 초원, 목초지

maturity 성숙함, 원숙함


Unhand me

unhand 손을 떼다, 놓아주다


you brute

brute 짐승, 신체적인 힘[폭력]에만 의존하는


is there any better feeling in the world than having your ears flap in the wind?

flap 덮개, 펄럭거리다

